
Im கார்த்திகேயன் பொன்னையா KarthiKeyan Ponniah from Madurai – Tamil Nadu. I lived majority of my life in T. Vadipatti.
My school mates call me “KD”, Which came as they think I bowled and bat like Simon “Katich” in right hand way. I dont know just one guy called me like that., Now everyone in my school times know me as “KD” a poor pronunciation of “Katich”

As over a million people have the name “Karthi” “Karthik” “KarthiKeyan” in Tamil Nadu., Due to the ancestral and classical interests of Tamil language and its rich cultural backgrounds I have a pen name தமிழ் நுட்பத் தம்பி. I had this name with the intention of exploring the technological richness of ancient scientific concepts of Tamil civilization. I respect and learnt a lot from my father Ponniah NagaLingam. I want to be known and recognized based on my thoughts and not based on my birth. So., As I am broadening my vision and mission & to remove the clutter and confusions of multiple “Karthi”s in Tamil community., I decided to have my name known as “KarthiKeyan Zillion” in short “Kart” or “Karthi”

What is Zillion?

Zillion is the shorter name for any big number like a trillion or more 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . I believe we humans just share a piece of seat on this earth among zillions of other living / non living things. Our life, actions, happiness and progress must not disrupt or destroy other stake holders of this planet / solar system / galaxy / local group / universe.

I am glad to say I traveled to many exciting places including Las Vegas, Amsterdam, Bangkok, Goa & much more