Expect to not to expect is also an expectation.

“Want” , “Need” , “Expect” , “Chase” , “Seek”, “Aim” , “Plan” these are anti bodies of “Peace”. Particularly inner peace. Most of these endup triggering a “Fail”, “Dissatisfaction”, “Upset”, “Worry”, “Emptiness” , “Devastation”. Our mind may wander towards a very simple thing or a grand/holistic/pure/noble (just for ourself) thing. Everything will bring us disappointed fail in one way or another.

Consider success, happiness as “Bonus” perks during the life time. Sometimes., Talking like a monk and planting ideas to avoid fail/disappointments in mind is also a kind of “Expectation”. This is a trap. We endup a failed person to stop worrying about failiure related thoughts. See this is a self trap. It is OK to fail. It is OK to be dissatisfied with yourself. It is OK to criticize yourself and the key is MOVE ON. If you aim for happiness you will fail. If you aim to not to worry due to failure, You will also fail and then it will lead to original state of mind. So have an open mind to receive both happiness and sadness in same weight/value.